Sunday ABF Groups

Sunday 8:00am

Mixed Adults – Rick Lemons (Leader)

Location: Atrium Classroom

Sunday 9:00am

Mixed Adults  – Jared Lemons (Leader)

Location: Atrium Classroom


Senior Adult – Steve Coyne (Leader)

Location: Conference Room


Mixed Adults – Scott Johnson & Ed McDonald (Leaders)

Location: Room 201


Women – Dianne Causley (Leader)

Location: Room 202


Mixed Adults  – James Bancroft (Leader)

Location: Room 204

Sunday 10:30am

Mixed Adults – Steve Bell & Eric Garrett (Leaders)

Location: Atrium Classroom


Mixed Adults – Paul Weaver (Leader)

Location: Room 201


Mixed Adults – Mike Childs (Leader)

Room 202 or Online


Join by phone: 1-315-303-8237 PIN: 479 510 544#


Mixed Adults – Kyle Smith (Leader)

Location: Room 204

Weekday ABF Groups


Wednesday @ 9:30am  Ann Lemons (Leader)

Location: Rooms 209-211


Wednesday @ 6:30pm  Dianne Causley (Leader)

Location: Room 202


Wednesday @ 6:30pm  Rudy Costa (Leader)

Location: Room 201


Thursday @ 6:15am  Steve Hatfield (Leader)

Location: Atrium Classroom



Celebrate Recovery

A Christ-centered recovery program helping you to find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hangups!

Meeting every Monday @ 6:45pm


A friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.


At Fellowship Forney, we believe every Christ-follower should have a ministry in the church...and a mission in the world. We have hundreds of serving opportunities in and outside of the church. Every week we have people brewing coffee, opening doors, and serving within each of our ministries. We also offer numerous opportunities outside of the church including mission trips, Operation Care, and IMPACT My Community events.
