Joel: Joy Comes in the Morning | Joel 2:28-32

1. How does this promise in Joel 2:28-32 encourage you, and how do you think
the people then would be encouraged by it since they were struggling as a
nation divided?


2. Read Acts 2:14-21. How does Peter relate what happened at Pentecost to
these words in Joel?


3. Read Joel 1:14. What does this verse imply, and how could we as a church be
more intentional in crying out to God over our disobedience?


4. Read Joel 2:12-14. Why has repentance become such a difficult topic in
church today?


5. What do you think is meant by the phrase


6. What do you think happens when we call to God as Joel is suggesting?


7. Read Joel 3:18. How do promises like this one inspire us when the journey
gets difficult?



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