Obadiah: God is Still in Control | Obadiah 1-4, 20-21

1. How can one’s pride deceive him or her into thinking they are invincible? (verse 3)


2. Do you think that people today put too much confidence in false securities instead of God?


3. What would you think if a prophet was to speak to us today? Would people believe them, or would they resist the idea of coming judgment?


4. Read verse 12. Why is it wrong to gloat over the misfortune of others? Especially if that person is an enemy?


5. Compare verse 15 with Galatians 6:7-8. What does it mean to reap what you sow?


6. What do you think is meant in verse 21 that the kingdom shall be the Lord’s?


7. Read 1 Peter 5:10. How does this promise encourage us during the difficulties we face in life, especially any associated with our faith?



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