RESET Weekend | FSM Spring Retreat
March 22 - 24, 6:00 pm - 12:00 pm 2024
Our Spring Retreat is on its way! This year, we will be headed to a Retreat house just outside Red Oak for a weekend of diving deeper with our King and having a moment to Reset.
Everyone will arrive at Fellowship at 6:00 PM on Friday, March the 22nd, and leave for our retreat house, roughly 35-40 minutes away, where we will spend the weekend having fun on all of the different amenities our home has to offer, and spending time with our community as we grow together in the Savior. Sunday, we will wake up and be back at Fellowship at 10:00 AM, just in time to unload our vans and go to the 10:30 AM service together.
The cost is $100 per student. We do have scholarships available.
Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, March 16th