Being a Good Church Member | Romans 14:1-15:7

1. What do you think it means to be “weak in the faith” (verse 1)?


2. How should followers of Christ handle our disagreements with other followers of Christ when we have strong convictions?


3. According to Romans 14:4, should we be judging another follower of Christ salvation?


4. What is the purpose of a follower of Christ standing before Him one day in judgment? If getting to heaven is the goal, then why is there a judgment?


5. What do you think is meant in Romans 14:13 by “putting a stumbling block in the way of a brother”?


6. What do you think Paul means in Romans 14:23, by “whoever has doubts”?


7. Read 1 Corinthians 6:12. What does this teach us about our Christian liberties?



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