Being a Good Citizen | Romans 13:1-7

1. Why is it important for followers of Christ to be good citizens and show respect toward authority?


2. Read Matthew 8:5-13. Why did Jesus complement this man’s faith out of his understanding of authority?


3. Read Daniel 2:20-21. What did Daniel believe about people who are in positions of authority?


4. What does Paul mean in Romans 13:4 that “he is God’s servant for your good”?


5. Read Acts 5:27-29. When is it appropriate for a follower of Christ to rebel against civil authority?


6. Read 1 Peter 4:12-16. What does it mean to suffer as a Christian, and what should be our response to suffering? Do you think followers of Christ are prepared to suffer today?


7. What does it mean in Romans 13:7 to give respect and honor to whom honor is owed?



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