Doxology | Romans 16:25-27

1. What stands out to you as you read these closing words of the book of Romans?


2. When Paul writes “to Him” in verse 25, why is it important to keep it about Him? Do you think we make it about us at times?


3. What does it mean in verse 25, “who is able”? What is He able to do?


4. Why is it important to be “strengthened”? How does the gospel strengthen us? Compare with Philippians 4:13.


5. Why is Paul’s teaching so important and why does he say it was a mystery? Compare with Hebrews 1:1-2.


6. Where does this obedient faith come from mentioned in verse 26?


7. Read Revelation 19:1-8. If this is the future for us, then how can we ascribe to Him this kind of praise today?



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