Equipped to Finish | Romans 5:1-11

1. This morning, we said Jesus gives us peace ‘with’ God and also gives us the peace ‘of’ God. What is the difference in those?


2. In verse 2, Paul says that through Jesus, we have access. What access does Jesus provide us with the Father? According to verse 1, how do we receive that access?


3. Read Hebrews 4: 16. Hebrews encourages us to be bold as we approach the throne of grace. How does what Jesus did for us give us boldness in our approach to God? What does Paul say our response should be at the end of Romans 5: 2?


4. Paul mentions that followers of Jesus should ‘rejoice in our sufferings.’ How can we learn to rejoice during difficult times? Why is this important for us to do?


5. How does suffering and enduring lead to hope? Has there been a specific time in your life when you have experienced this happening?


6. What does verse 5 mean when it says, ‘Hope does not put us to shame’?


7. Read Romans 5: 6-8 again. What do you think these verses call us to do as followers of Jesus? Are we required to do more than receive this gift?



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