Getting Out of My Own Way | Romans 7

1. Read Rom. 7:1-6. Why do you think we must die to ourselves to live for Christ? How does the example of a married woman being released from her husband by his death compare?


2. What is the real purpose behind the law according to Romans 7:7? Do you think we need such a law to tell us things are wrong?


3. How does knowing the law, right from wrong, make sin come alive in us? (verses 9-10)


4. What does it mean to you that Paul would struggle with his sin nature as he explains in verses 17-20?


5. If a person did not know what the law says about something, would it still be sinful?


6. Do you ever get to a point in your spiritual life that you ask,’ is it worth the struggle?’


7. Do you think the victorious life over sin is possible? What does a victorious Christian life look like in your mind?



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