Haggai: Things I Learned from Haggai| Haggai 1:1-11

1. Do you think God will reach a boiling point with His creation?


2. What are practical things we can do to ensure we are prioritizing spiritual things in our lives? How do we identify what needs to be prioritized spiritually?


3. When Israel chose to build their own houses over their place of worship, do you think they realized how big of a deal it was? Why was this a big deal? Remember, Israel was back in their country for 16 years at this point. There had been plenty of time to do both.


4. In Haggai 1: 4 paneled houses were actually a luxury during this time. Does spiritual things over material? Why do you believe this is such a struggle?


5. If the busyness of life causes an obstacle for us spiritually, how can we simplify life to create more time for the Lord? Do you agree that busyness can be our biggest enemy?


6. In verse 6 the Lord says ‘you never have your fill.’ Is God actively preventing Israel from experiencing blessings? Do you think He does this today?


7. This morning we said, ‘Time is not the issue; priorities are.’ Do you agree with that? If so, what changes need to be made in our lives?



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