Hey Everybody! | Romans 16:1-16

1. How important is it to you to have relationships within our church family?


2. Paul refers to Phoebe as a servant of the church in verse 1. In what ways do we serve the church? Do you believe it is important to serve in our church?


3. What do you think it means today to treat someone in a way worthy of the saints? (verse 2)


4. We don’t know what Paul meant in verse 4 when he said Prisca and Aquila risked their necks for him, but do you believe it is important for followers of Christ to stand up for one another more? What are some ways that we can stand up for each other?


5. How can we as a church be more hospitable toward those who serve the Lord?


6. How can we as a church live more in community recognizing that people live busy lives today?


7. Does this passage humanize Paul and the people in 1st Century Rome to you?



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