It’s Not That Difficult | Romans 12:9-21

1. This morning we said the definition of genuine love is love without hypocrisy. What is Paul trying to communicate in Romans 12: 9?


2. Paul calls us to genuinely love people, to hate evil, and to do what is good. Is he oversimplifying the Christian life? If not, why do we complicate it so much?


3. Why do you think it is so difficult for us to love people who live, and believe, differently than we do? How can we love people who have nothing to do with Jesus?


4. What do you think it means to abhor, or hate evil? How do we put that into practice in our lives?


5. Why do you think Paul calls believers to ‘be patient in tribulation?’ How does patience help us during difficult times?


6. What does it mean to live in harmony with one another (verse 16)? Who is Paul demanding believers to live in harmony with, and why?


7. Verses 13 & 20 call us to generosity. How does radical generosity make us like Jesus? What is the purpose of our generosity? Is generosity a struggle for you?



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