Jonah: An Upside Down Story | The Book of Jonah

1. While understanding Jonah’s spot in relationship to Jeroboam II, how does viewing this story from a political standpoint change that conversation around Jonah?


2. When Jonah flees, we typically see him as a coward for fleeing; however, while we may not flee 2500 miles, how do we flee from what God is calling us to do in our day-to-day lives?


3. Jonah never fully apologizes for fleeing from God. How often, when we repent, do we harbor some animosity for God calling us in a different way?


4. Jonah uses five words in Nineveh to preach God’s warning. What is holding us back from following the same? Do we need to prepare ourselves before God uses us, or can we go out as we are?


5. Jonah finishes the story frustrated at God for showing mercy to Jonah’s political enemy. Do we still have frustrations with God’s mercy today?


6. In 1 Corinthians 3, we look at Apollos and Paul planting the seeds and watering; however, God is the one who makes things grow. Knowing that growth is out of our hands and completely in God’s, how does that change how we spread the gospel?


7. In 2024, what is holding you back from letting God use you?



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