Nahum: When God Balances the Scales | Nahum 1:2-8

1. Read Nahum 1:2. What does this verse mean to you? Why does it seem to us that God delays His wrath on His enemies?


2. Do you think our desire to see God’s wrath against His enemies is more about us or is it about Him? Who do we want to be vindicated most?


3. Read Nahum 1:3. Why do you think the Lord is slow to anger? Does it seem like He is too slow at times?


4. What does it mean to you that God will by no means clear the guilty? (verse 3)


5. Nahum describes God in a violent manner in these verses. How does his description add up with how God is viewed today?


6. How can the Lord be good as mentioned in verse 7, and all the things listed in verses 4-6?


7. What does it mean to take refuge in the Lord? (verse 7)



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