The People of Christmas | Luke 1:26-35

1. What do you think the phrase “O favored one” means about Mary?


2. Luke 1:29 says “she tried to discern.” How do you think Mary finally came to understand the importance of what was happening?


3. Read Luke 1:38. How difficult do you think this really was for Mary to surrender to God’s plan?


4. Read Matthew 1:18-25. What is your impression of Joseph and how he handled this situation?


5. Read Luke 2:8-20. What does it say about God that He would introduce the birth of Jesus first to shepherds?


6. Read Matthew 2:1-10. What is your impression of these wise men? How determined were they to find the child?


7. Who in the Christmas story do you most identify with this year? (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, or wise men?)



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