What Comes Next? | James 1: 22-25

1. What does it mean to be a ‘doer’ of the Word? What do you think the purpose of God giving us His Word is?


2. What does James mean by ‘the law of liberty’ in James 1: 25? How can laws create liberty? What is the difference in seeing God’s law as liberty vs restriction?


3. Does knowledge do us any good if it does not transform or shape our lives? Why do you think it is so easy for Christians to know God’s Word without allowing it to change our lives? What does that say about us?

4. We said, ‘Following Jesus demands intentionality.’ What does it mean? How can we be more intentional as Christians? What does it mean to be intentional with God’s Word? Do you see areas of your life lacking intentionality?


5. Read Romans 12: 1-2. In today’s message we also said, ‘Following Jesus demands transformation.’ How can we be transformed by God’s Word? What does transformation mean in Romans 12?


6. Fill in the blank as you see fit. If God’s Word is not changing my actions…


7. In James 1: 25, James uses the word perseveres. How does obedience demand our perseverance? Why do we grow so weary of pursuing obedience to the Lord?



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